International Journal of Internet Science

A peer reviewed open access journal for empirical findings, methodology, and theory of social and behavioral science concerning the Internet and its implications for individuals, social groups, organizations, and society.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (2012)

Chris Snijders, Uwe Matzat, & Ulf-Dietrich Reips:
"Big Data": Big Gaps of Knowledge in the Field of Internet Science (Editorial)


Nic Newman, William H. Dutton, & Grant Blank:
Social Media in the Changing Ecology of News: The Fourth and Fifth Estate in Britain

Linda K. Kaye & Jo Bryce:
Putting the "Fun Factor" Into Gaming: The Influence of Social Contexts on Experiences of Playing Videogames

Christopher R. Wolfe, Christopher R. Fisher, Valerie F. Reyna, & Xiangen Hu:
Improving Internal Consistency in Conditional Probability Estimation With an Intelligent Tutoring System and Web-based Tutorials

Alison Attrill:
Sharing Only Parts of Me: Selective Categorical Self-Disclosure Across Internet Arenas


Stephanie Steinmetz et al.:
WEBDATANET: A Network on Web-based Data Collection, Methodological Challenges, Solutions, and Implementation