International Journal of Internet Science |
A peer reviewed open access journal for empirical findings,
methodology, and theory of social and behavioral science concerning the
Internet and its implications for individuals, social groups,
organizations, and society.
WEBDATANET: Innovation and Quality in Web-Based Data Collection
Stephanie Steinmetz1, Ana Slavec2, Kea Tijdens3, Ulf-Dietrich Reips4, Pablo de Pedraza5, Alina Popescu6, Ana Belchior7, ..., Yavor Markov8
1University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4University of Konstanz, Germany, 5Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 6Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania, 7ISCTE-IUL, Portugal, ..., 8STRATEGMA Agency Ltd., Bulgaria
Summary: In light of the growing importance of web-based data in the social and behavioral sciences, WEBDATANET was established in 2011 as a COST Action (IS 1004) to create a multidisciplinary network of web-based data collection experts: (web) survey methodologists, psychologists, sociologists, linguists, economists, Internet scientists, media and public opinion researchers. The aim was to accumulate and synthesize knowledge regarding methodological issues of web-based data collection (surveys, experiments, tests, non-reactive data, and mobile Internet research), and foster its scientific usage in a broader community.
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
(University of Konstanz, Germany)
Uwe Matzat
(Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
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Michael Birnbaum (California State University at Fullerton, USA)
Tom Buchanan (Westminster University, UK)
Don Dillman (Washington State University, USA)
Anja Göritz (University of Freiburg Germany)
Adam Joinson (Open University, UK)
John Krantz (Hanover College, USA)
Han Woo Park (Yeungnam University, South Korea)
Chris Snijders (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
Barry Wellman (University of Toronto, Canada)
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The International Journal of Internet Science is an
interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal for the publication of research
articles about empirical findings, methodology, and theory in the
field of Internet Science. It provides an outlet for articles on the
Internet as a medium of research and its implications for individuals,
social groups, organizations, and society.