International Journal of Internet Science

A peer reviewed open access journal for empirical findings, methodology, and theory of social and behavioral science concerning the Internet and its implications for individuals, social groups, organizations, and society.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2007)

Web 2.0, Internet 2.1?
Ulf-Dietrich Reips1, Uwe Matzat2
1University of Zürich, Switzerland, 2Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Welcome to issue 2.0 of the International Journal of Internet Science. The "2" is meant to mark a distinct event, even though articles in the International Journal of Internet Science are continuously uploaded to our "in press" section, as soon as they have been reviewed, editorially lettered, revised, copy edited, and cleared for publication. The continuous flow of the publication process and its matching companion, seamless technologies for Internet-based Open Access publishing, seem to render any distinct "editions" unnecessary. However, now, as the technologies and procedures are in place, we realize: there are no Internet-based Open Access journals without distinct editions (Directory of Open Access Journals, 2007).
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