International Journal of Internet Science

A peer reviewed open access journal for empirical findings, methodology, and theory of social and behavioral science concerning the Internet and its implications for individuals, social groups, organizations, and society.

Current Issue and Archive

Articles in Press

Currently no articles in press.

Volume 11 appeared Dec 31, 2016

Publication frequency

As a start-up journal that is devoted to highest standards of quality. Rejection rate: ca. 86%, estimated 2015 journal impact (minimum, because not all citations are known yet): 7.0, 5-year impact: 14.9 (Google Scholar), also see editorial of volume 11, issue 1. The International Journal of Internet Science appeared once each year in 2006-2016, and likely will appear twice each year beginning in 2018. Listing in the ISI Journal Citation Report is pending, the International Journal of Internet Science has been evaluated for inclusion and received notice by Thomson Reuters that it was accepted for inclusion in Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).